19 points on degenerate art
I am not worthy of degeneracy
I. Both fear and pride speak loudly in my mind and make sure that my hands never do what the self-proclaimed God in my head says. I hide and show what I’m proud and ashamed of, knowing my faults, refusing to change.
II. It stops me and breaks me, limits me and kills me. I force myself to do the things that make other people think that I do not care.
III. I’m tired of changing the colour of the blood I bleed in such a way that it seems to others that I do not care what they think. Making the things I want to make, but people finding them too simple, and thus ruling me as someone who is dishonest, is what dishonesty truly is. I am for a fact nothing but my own, and others perception of me. “I”, outside of that, do not exist. It is fair to say that the audience of a musical consists of a bigger amount of people than the actors in it, therefore the perception of the audience is closer to reality than the perception of the actors. The play is what the audience thinks of it, there is no other truth.
IV. I am not a part of the liberation I idolize, I work against it.
V. This musical is molded after predicted reviews. I am no one, I write what I think the person I want to be would write. I direct 100 different musicals for a 100 different critics, constantly shaping and molding myself in the head of others.
VI. Never have I cared this much about seeming like I don’t care.
VII. We build photogenic utopia around us, not feeling comfortable at all until the pieces on the ground are snapped in half.
VIII. Waiting and waiting for a word to fall out of the sky, since I could never be the one I want to be, unless every single word is deemed worthy by the people around me. To truly fulfill myself it might be better to do nothing, nothing at all for now.
IX. we are doing to combat the existence of rules we deem oppressive is to create smaller societies with other rules.
X. Unlimited access to niche creations for free combined with social media creates an environment where I feel as though all of the content I enjoy reflects my credibility as someone who enjoys art which creates a need to suppress interest in certain art that is considered undesirable by an unseen cultural elite which in turn creates a culture of competing in who can appear the most knowledgeable while also trying to avoid the appearance of having interest in certain artists & genres only to impress said elite.
XI. But wait! Our rulers make cool things, aesthetifying cultural revolt. Thus they are not rulers, truly.
XII. Dada is dying, and though God lives we always swear that we’ll get that fucker some day. Hiding in the bushes with shotguns not being able to pull the trigger. Never has it been this important to look good while pushing a rock up a hill.
XIII. We detest cultural hegemonies thinking we are not part of the elite while not realizing that all of the experts love and understand the things we do. People are being paid by the state to do radical and provocative things, getting scholarships and checks from people in power only to somehow criticize the people in power.
XIV. However this does not mean that favouring older cultural hegemonies over the current ones is a struggle. Progress is to be cherished, though criticized.
XV. I’d rather be paid by the governing forces to orchestrate a revolution to please the masses, painting fire on the courtrooms, than idolizing the fascist regimes before it.
XVI. You are not better than the rulers in power for having reactionary views on expression.
XVII. I’ll paint the guillotines in the prettiest colours you’ve seen, produce it in factories and sell it to the highest bidder. When blood is drying, and corpses are rotting I’ll vomit and refuse to clean it, I have butlers for such things.
XVIII. Once again, I do not exist. I am only sitting here, filling every empty book with the worst poetry I can find, ugly art will change the world. Suck it Hegel! There is no purpose to it, there is no pleasing the masses, only ugly, ugly, ugly art.
XIX. Long live degenerate art, the club hits of today will be the show tunes of tomorrow.