Tranquility base
the meeting was put off until January
suspected to have made
house done up by
being taken for granted
no less than 6 people
weak at speaking
two skinny foxes
lay in the snow
they are blissfully unaware
of apartments over cafés
(they’re here for the birds)
two skinny foxes will probably die
in the snow
if I would be a dolphin I
would be in the black sea and I would
let the thick oil-like water
enter every hole and orifice of
my blue body
I would steal all the healthy clay
tourists buy in bags
to smother all over they’re overfed bodies
eating one meal a day
wearing pretty dresses
and drinking on an empty stomach
reading book the mysticists on screen told you
to buy
is not what you think it is
(even when you’re fully aware)
I want to be a dolphin
with a layer of dolphine-fat
under my dolphine skin
as a beautiful layer of protection
between my dolphine heart
and the cold, brute water
that my world consists of